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Looking for a Valentines arts & crafts idea that the whole family can join in on? Our paintable Hearts set fits the bill perfectly! This is Set#1 and it contains the 10 hearts shown which includes Be Happy, Sweet Love, Me & You, Love Bug, Best Friend, Be Mine, Love Me, Kiss Me, Hug Me, and Let's Dance. These hearts are 3 inches tall by 3-1/2 inches wide and are cut out of 5/32" natural, unfinished Maple and can be painted ... or you can keep it simple and color them in with magic markers (as seen in the 3rd photo!


See our other listings for Set #2 and an option to get both sets at a discount!

Paintable Hearts Set #1

SKU: VAL0003
Excluding Sales Tax
  • These hearts come to you unfinished and without polyurethane. We recommend that you apply a couple of coats of polyurethane to your hearts after you finish painting/coloring them to protect them so that you can enjoy them for years to come!

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